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Bring rural Alaskans and broadband providers (SME’s, LEC’s, ILEC’s, IXC’s, equipment, applications) together and give them a collective voice in Alaska’s broadband plans and policy decisions at the local, state and federal levels. Encourage broadband deployment that is timely, affordable and serves ALL of Alaska’s residents.


Affordable broadband available to 100% of Alaskans in 2021


ABA's Five Points to Success

 1. Bring all broadband consumers and providers together

2. Develop a technology neutral plan for full state coverage in 2021

3. Encourage broadband funding reform from performance only criteria to including economic criteria: breadth of coverage, time to delivery and urban retail pricing

4. Actively communicate with Alaska’s state and federal elected officials and promote new, affordable middle mile funding opportunities

5. Deliver a realistic summary of Alaska’s digital divide to the media and community leaders
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